Traveling the World

Brunette women with fountain in background

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I asked myself this question, and the answer was easy, I am traveling the world. I would see everything, whether by plane, train, automobile, or boat. Pinpointing the first place was the hardest part of the journey; however, through research, I discovered Remote Year and went with it.

My first great adventure wasn’t until I was 39, so you can also start anytime. Planning is only half the fun; it builds the excitement and anxiety of the great out there. Using a company like Remote Year eased a lot of the anxiety I was feeling. They did all the planning, I just had to get myself there. I figured they were a good starting point, but I became hooked on traveling with their ease and comfort.

Starting in 2022, I am traveling using Remote Year’s citizen program and a little DIY. I will write about my trips through Mexico, Peru, Argentina, and Brazil. Staying a month in each of the different countries. However, from my research, I already need to stay longer in each, just to see the beauty throughout the different countries.

While I do not know where the best place to travel is, I do have stories of all the different experiences. The struggles, the excitement, the planning, and the doing. The lessons I have learned along the way helped shape me and gave me the ability to keep traveling. It is not always glamorous, but it is an adventure.

Follow me through the fun that is the globe!

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