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Finding Self Love Through Self Care

Self-care and growth may seem “new age” or even “hippy” concepts. However, with the whole going to extremes and the massive amount of negativity in the world, everyone needs to feel good.

I started my self-care journey after realizing how unhappy I was. My sister was seeing a life coach who asked her:

In five years you run into an old friend, that you haven’t spoken to in those 5 years and you don’t follow each other on social media. What is the story you tell them about the last 5 years of your life?

The thought of saying I was sitting at home working from a computer about gutted me. How did I let my once vibrant self become a shell of a person? Where did the fun energetic go-getter go? What caused me to spiral to living this subpar life? And most importantly, what am I going to do about it?

The answer wasn’t simple, but it was too complicated either. I wanted to travel, I wanted to fill my passport up so much I needed a new one. Seeing the world was and has always been something on my list of things to do. I started researching places to go and things to do. I found a company to help me navigate my travels in a way to makes me feel safe. Thus, I could knock that off my list.

However, while traveling and meeting amazing new people, I couldn’t help but feel a lot of self-hate. I hated and still do, a lot about myself. This self-hatred caused me to start looking at ways to help me fall in love with me again. While my journey is far from over, I thought sharing the process, tools, and guides that I have found might help someone else.

Of course, stating the obvious: I am in no way, shape, form, or education level an expert. If you feel any issues of depression, self-harm, or anything else please seek professional assistance. I have spoken to therapists and they have helped me work through a lot of trauma from my past. I have been and always will be an advocate for professional therapy and counseling.

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